December 15, 2022

Deep Sea Research II Journal: Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Gulf of Alaska

In the latest volume of Deep Sea Research II more than 70 authors came together to present their most recent insights into the processes at work in the Gulf of Alaska. Highlighted works in the journal titled, Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Gulf of Alaska, primarily examine shifting oceanographic conditions and the responses inhabitants are exhibiting. This is the 3rd volume in a series related to Gulf of Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Research Program studies funded by the North Pacific Research Board and complements a special issue volume published by Gulf Watch Alaska and Herring Research and Monitoring in January 2018.

To find a brief summary of what is featured in the journal follow the link below:

Follow the link below to check out the journal in its entirety: Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Gulf of Alaska: Volume 3, Deep-Sea Research II.