Harvest control rules (HCR) describe the factors used when determining when to fish. Graduate student Josh Zahner at the University of Washington tested the impact of applying ten different harvest control rules on the Prince William Sound Pacific herring population to see what would happen to the herring population if changes were made to the fisheries management plan. The graph below shows the predicted biomass, each color representing a distinct HCR. Applying the various HCR had little effect on the final population size in his simulations.
All posts by Hayley Hoover
Sea Star Wasting Outreach
Researcher Sarah Traiger recently had an article published by Open Access Government featuring Sunflower Sea Stars and changes occurring in the nearshore environment. In addition to this written work, the CoRAL network and the Nearshore component worked together to produce a video detailing the effects of climate change on the nearshore environment. Together, these outreach tools provide audiences with a general understanding of Sea Star Wasting and some of the research being done by the nearshore component of the Gulf Watch Alaska team.
Open Access Government Publication
Open Access Government published an article about the Gulf Watch Alaska program and its recent findings in its April 2023 online magazine. The organization’s website states that “Open Access Government is a digital publication that provides an in-depth perspective on key public policy areas from all around the world, including health and social care, COVID-19, research and innovation, technology, government, environment and energy.” They produce digital products for a broad international audience.
Nearshore contribution to Frontiers for Young Minds
Members of GWA-LTRM’s Nearshore component team recently worked with other researchers to publish two papers in the journal, Frontiers for Young Minds. Frontiers for Young Minds is a peer-reviewed journal for children that includes scientific experts and young reviewers (children) in the peer-review process. One article focused on brown bear and sea otter interactions and the other compared the genetics of two populations of razor clams.
To read “Where Land and Sea Meet: Brown Bears and Sea Otters” follow the link below: https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2022.715993
To read about “The Mysterious Case of the Missing Razor Clams” follow this link: https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2022.715425
How Alaskan Marine Ecosystems Responded to a Massive Heatwave
Marine ecologist, Heather Colleti, lead PI in the nearshore component, was asked to write an article about the Pacific Marine Heatwave for the winter issue of Park Science. For those not familiar, “Park Science is the flagship science magazine of the National Park Service. It covers research and stewardship related to our national parks. Discover the advances in science and technology that help us preserve, understand, and enjoy our public lands.” The article discusses the detrimental impacts on ecosystems and species the heat wave had in addition to exploring the question of why some were more resilient than others. Follow the link to read the article: How Alaskan Marine Ecosystems Responded to a Massive Heatwave (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
Deep Sea Research II Journal: Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Gulf of Alaska
In the latest volume of Deep Sea Research II more than 70 authors came together to present their most recent insights into the processes at work in the Gulf of Alaska. Highlighted works in the journal titled, Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Gulf of Alaska, primarily examine shifting oceanographic conditions and the responses inhabitants are exhibiting. This is the 3rd volume in a series related to Gulf of Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Research Program studies funded by the North Pacific Research Board and complements a special issue volume published by Gulf Watch Alaska and Herring Research and Monitoring in January 2018.
To find a brief summary of what is featured in the journal follow the link below: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/feature-story/special-issue-journal-focuses-ecosystem-processes-gulf-alaska
Follow the link below to check out the journal in its entirety: Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Gulf of Alaska: Volume 3, Deep-Sea Research II.